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Physical Therapy

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Tennis Elbow and Physical Therapy


Tennis elbow is not restricted to those who play tennis. It is a condition in which tendon damage causes soreness or pain around the outside of the elbow or the lateral epicondyle. The symptoms of tennis elbow are noticeable when the palm is turned upward. Damage to the tendons in the forearm makes wrist movements and forearm rotation painful and can limit day to day activities.

Tennis elbow is considered a repetitive movement injury. The name is derived from repetitive movements that commonly occur when playing tennis. In fact, any repetitive movement from consistent turning and twisting can cause tennis elbow. Examples include working on an industrial machine, desk job, and other sports. Sometimes, tennis elbow can actually be caused by a direct blow to the tendons of the elbow area.




A physical therapist can help relieve pain and restore motion and strength to the arm, wrist, fingers, and elbow. The therapist can help with recovery as well as injury prevention and future recurrences of tennis elbow.

Your physician may recommend prescription medication to reduce pain and inflammation. The physical therapist will work closely with the physician to improve circulation, promote healing and help restore full function as quickly as possible.

Expect your physical therapist to:


  • Identify the movement(s) that may have actually caused your injury and help you to avoid them.

  • Identify weaknesses or joint restrictions and correct them.

  • Help reduce pain with treatment techniques and modalities like ultrasound, cold therapy.

  • Prescribe a home exercise program.

Video:  What is Physical Therapy

World Class Therapists


At Physical Therapy Specialists of Palm Coast, our clients are scheduled for one-on-one treatment time with highly qualified physical therapists each of which has training and specialty certification within the profession.

Commitment to one-on-one treatment sessions makes a big difference in the care a patient receives, as patients’ treatment protocols are continually being monitored and changed when appropriate.

  • Over 25 Years of Clinical Experience

  • Board Certified Orthopedic Specialists

  • Certified Lymphedema Specialists

  • Certified Manual Specialists

- Our Goal is to provide individual treatment plans designed to restore function, reduce pain, prevent future injury and improve daily living.


- Our Promise is to provide direct one-to-one patient care and excellent customer service.  Patients are seen by the same therapists for all rehabilitation visits.

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